About me

Rebekah Treacy is an artist based in the small coastal town Broome, Western Australia. She spent her whole childhood and adolescent growing up in the Kimberley region between Derby and Broome in the West. As a Kija and Ngarinyin woman from her mother’s side she has connections to the East  Kimberley region where she also spent a lot of time connecting with her family. The unique beauty of the Kimberley environment has shaped and inspired her artistic interests. After graduating school in 2009 she moved to Sydney where she completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales, College of Fine  Arts. During the 3 years of her art   studies, Rebekah explored a wide range of creative subjects such as photography, sculpture, textiles, screen printing and more. It was painting however that most interested Bek and in her final year she was able to focus on exploring her personal style a lot more. After living away during the six years, Rebekah found that she was most passionate about painting landscape scenes that were familiar to her because it was during this creative expression that she was able to feel more connected to home. Rebekah’s style continues to be inspired by the elements, patterns, colours and scenes of her hometown and surrounds.
“I am drawn to painting scenes that may reflect a beautiful memory, has a special significance or simply because of the incredible colours, patterns or beauty of the place or object. I find a lot of joy in taking photos during local adventures then using these as references to painting my next piece where I can then reinterpret it in my style. I might use bolder more exaggerated colours and brush strokes in some of my paintings or a softer, more realistic approach. I hope you enjoy” 